Quickly find the best referees to move science forward

Utilizing our collection of 160M+ articles, we automatically create profile for every scientist, and rank them according to their semantic similarity to a refereed manuscript or proposal.

Screenshot of Referee Finder

Prophy provides Referee Finder services for the European Research Council. For each grant proposal we generate a ranked list of relevant experts based on semantic and bibliographic information.

Improved quality of selected referees

  • We analyze every author in the field, without relying on human memory in tight time constraints
  • We give objective metrics and explain how we ranked authors
  • We give an ability to rank and compare any author of your choice
  • Our advanced AI system proposes only relevant candidates, because it understands the meaning of documents the way humans do

Speed up your referee selection process

  • We present a ready to use list of referees
  • We flag potential conflicts of interest based on co-authorship and co-affiliation
  • Results can be customized towards senior scientists, narrow specialists or those more likely to respond

How can we test Referee Finder?

You can run Referee Finder for published papers or upload an unpublished manuscript.

Frequently asked questions

  • What subjects do you cover?
    Physical sciences and engineering, life sciences and medicine, economics and social sciences.
  • My subject is not covered, can you help?
    Yes, we have both tools and experience to quickly expand to new domains.
  • Can we analyze only people from our own list?
    Yes, we can limit our suggestions to the list of your choice.
  • We already have a long history of choosing referees, can we use that somehow?
    Yes, we can adjust our rankings based on additional information you provide (availability, promptness of response, quality of refereeing, etc).
  • Our articles or proposals are multi-disciplinary, can you provide experts for each topic?
    Yes, our advanced settings allow to choose which topics to analyze.
  • What if an author is not active anymore?
    We don't analyze authors that haven't published in the last two years. You can also report an author as not active anymore.
  • We have very strict privacy rules and cannot share the papers, can we use Referee Finder?
    Yes, we provide a special tool to setup a service on your premises that will create a special non-human-readable fingerprint of the paper. You have full control of what is transferred to Prophy for analysis.
  • Can't we run Prophy on our servers?
    Prophy has over 120 millions of articles and this collection is updated daily. It is a very big and complex product to run on premises.
  • Do you detect conflict of interests when authors affiliations are written in different forms and languages?
    Yes, our AI system will match EPFL and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CERN and European Organization for Nuclear Research, Bohr Inst. with Copenhagen University (Niels Bohr Institute is a part of Copenhagen University) and so on.